About Us

Want to know more about DMPAY Nidhi Ltd.?

DMPAY Nidhi Ltd. is registered under Companies Act 2013 and notified Nidhi Rule 2014, as a Nidhi company by Central Government under Section 406 of Companies Act. It is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC). It is formed to borrow and lend money to its members. It inculcates the habit of saving among its members and works on the principle of mutual benefit.

Performing through Banking system which comes under the Nidhi, DCA and NBFC, the DMPAY Nidhi Ltd. is introducing latest ideas of Financial Inclusion and creating financial awareness to make our nation financially strong.

As a Nidhi we accept deposits from our members/shareholders to stimulate the mutual growth of our members through Trust and Responsibility within the stipulated norms issued by the RBI/Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The funds mobilized are utilized in a great extent for advancing of Gold Loans, Property Loans, Small Business Loans, Personal Loans, SME Loans, Group Loans and Loans against approved Govt. Securities to its members. Thus, the funds are fully secured and thus the investments with us are in very safe havens. With the strong banking background & experience of the promoters, we believe that success of business comes from creativity and team work.